Thursday, November 13, 2008

Dog Birth at Our Home!

I have news from our home!
We have a litter of puppies... I got to witness this amazing process, too! (that is why I am posting it on this blog, as I have done on my personal blog, too)  I know it is not human birth, but it is a similar concept, huh?!   :)

Our dog, Sadie, was acting funny on Wednesday, early in the morning.  She usually sleeps till 9 am or so, so when I awoke to find her pacing back & forth & nesting in the box I had made for her, I knew what was going on.

6:30 a.m.- She asked to go outside, I waited for her, because I could tell she was anxious.  She did her business & then came immediately inside to her box.  
She was 'circling' in the box.  She started breathing heavy & licking repeatedly.
7 a.m.-  She gets in the box to stay.
7:15 a.m.-  Sadie is visibly pushing/grunting.
7:30 a.m.- Shaking, drooling heavily, trying to rest.
7:45 a.m.-  1st puppy born (blonde female)
8 a.m.-  More contractions
8:09 a.m.-  2nd puppy born (black female)
8:17 a.m.- 3rd puppy born (brown female)
8:43 a.m.-  4th puppy born (black w/white paws male)
8:55 a.m.-  5th puppy born (black female)

Sadie ate each placenta, each sac off of the pups.  I only helped remove the first sac, as she looked dumbfounded... I waited for 3 minutes to see if she would do it, then only removed it from the face of puppy, the puppy was not moving, was perfectly still for 3 minutes.  When she did finally squeal, Sadie knew exactly what to do from there.